2017 seminars & presenataions
tuesday, august 224:00 - 6:00 pm: Industry Presentations
Pump School by Puck Custom Enterprises (N.M., 2), (2) (REGISTER) Foam Control Demonstration by Profit Pro (2) Gas Safety by Matt Rockweiller, MSA Professional Services (N.M., 2, H/B, 2), (2) |
Continuining education creditsWisconsin CCA (Certified Crop Advisor) Continuing Education Units (CEU):
N.M. = Nutrient Management = 6.0 CEU's S&W = Soils and Water = 4.0 CEU's P.D. = Professional Development = 2.0 CEU's Pennsylvania Continuing Education Credits (CEC):
N.M = Nutrient Management H/B = Manure Hauler/Broker WI, IL, MI Level 2 Voluntary Applicator Certification Credits
wednesday, august 23
9:00am - 12:00 pm ~ Research and Solution Seminars
1) Use of Nitrification Inhibitors with Manure, (N.M., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Carrie Laboski, Professor & Extension Soil Scientist, UW- Madison - This presentation will provide an overview of recent research on the efficacy of the nitrification inhibitor Instinct when used with dairy and swine manure. Efficacy is measured both as impact on corn yield and changes in soil nitrate and ammonium status.
use_of_nitrification_inhibitor_with_manure_laboski___andraski.pdf | |
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2) Dairy Manure Application Methods: Nitrogen Credits, Gaseous Nitrogen Losses and Corn Yield, (N.M., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Carrie Laboski, Professor & Extension Soil Scientist, UW-Madison - The presentation will highlight the results of a 4 year field experiment to evaluate the effect of broadcast and injected dairy manure applied in spring prior to planting or at sidedress on corn yield, fertilizer N credits, ammonia losses and nitrous oxide emissions.
dairy_manure_application_methods_n_credits_gaseous_n_losses_and_corn_yield__laboski_jokela___androski.pdf | |
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3) How Does Manure Application Timing Impact Phosphorus Loss in Runoff, (S&W, .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Peter Vadas, Research Soil Scientist, USDA-ARS Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI - Agricultural phosphorus (P) management is a research and policy issue due to P loss from fields and water quality degradation. Better information is needed on the risk of P loss from dairy manure applied in winter or when runoff is imminent. We conducted model simulations using measured runoff data from 108 site-years in Wisconsin. Results show long-term strategies of shifting manure applications to low runoff seasons and fields can potentially reduce dissolved P loss in runoff much more compared with near-term, tactical application decisions of avoiding manure application when runoff is imminent
how_does_manure_application_timinig_affect_phosphorus_loss_in_runoff_vadas_jokela_good_arriaga_karthikeyan___stock.pdf | |
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4) Manure Analyses Trends and Sample Collection Techniques, (N.M., .5 CEU), Chris Baxter, Professor of Soil & Crop Science, UW Platteville - Manure analyses data from Wisconsin laboratories are presented showing trends in nutrient content of various manure types over time. Comparisons of lab data with published book values are used to evaluate the accuracy of book values at predicting manure nutrient availability across a range of sample types. Factors influencing the trends observed, research supporting the UW manure nutrient availability guidelines and techniques for collecting representative manure samples for use in nutrient management planning will be discussed.
manure_analysis_update_and_sampling_techniques_baxter.pdf | |
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5) Microbial Response to Organic Matter Additions to Soils - What do we know and why do we care?, (S&W, .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Thea Whitman, Assistant Professor of Soil Science, UW-Madison - Soils are full of life - and not just in the form of plants. Bacteria, archaea and fungi affect organic matter decomposition, plant growth and nutrient cycling, to name just a few essential processes. These extraordinarily diverse microbial communities are largely unseen, but control many of the processes that we care about. What is the extent of microbes in soils and is their diversity important for soil health? How do they respond to organic matter additions? Is it possible to manage them? We will address these questions in the context of manure management.
microbial_response_to_organic_matter_addition_to_soils_whitman.pdf | |
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6) Minimizing Manure and Nutrient Transport to Tile Systems, (S&W, .5 CEU), Aaron Pape, Tile Drainage Education Coordinator, UW Discovery Farms - Managing manure and nutrients on tile drained lands while protecting water quality can be a challenge. With ten years of tile monitoring data, Discovery Farms has some advice for how to keep manure and nutrients out of tile drains. We will also preview an on-going tile monitoring study that aims to provide more detailed practices to improve water quality when managing tiled lands.
minimizing_manure___nutrient_transport_to_tile_systems__pape.pdf | |
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7) Improving Your Safety Practices Around Manure Storages, (P.D., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Cheryl Skjolass, Agricultural Safety & Health Specialist, UW- Madison - Too busy, too expensive. There's work to be done. Safety is common sense. These are the reasons that are commonly heard in discussions related to safety programs - until someone is injured or killed. Learn action steps you can take to improve your safety plans around manure storage systems.
8) Basics of Gas Monitoring Equipment and Procedures, (P.D., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Cheryl Skjolass, Agricultural Safety & Health Specialist, UW-Madison - There has been an increase in manure gas related fatalities in recent years. This session will focus on types of gas monitoring equipment including single gas, multi-gas, pumps and accessories. this equipment will be discussed for monitoring of for confined spaces and open air environments.
9) Can Cover Crops and Tillage Help Reduce Erosion and Phosphorus Losses?, (S&W, .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Francisco Arriaga, Assistant Professor Soil Science, UW Madison - Certain soil management practices, such as tillage and cover crops, can help reduce sediment and phosphorus losses from agricultural fields. However, their benefits might not always be applicable under all conditions. Considering when and where specific soil management practices provide the most benefit can help make decisions at the farm level.
can_cover_crops_and_tillage_help_reduce_erosion_and_phosphorus_losses_arriaga_adams_stock_vadas_ward-good_bertram___karthikeyan.pdf | |
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10) Maximizing Nutrient Value from Manure Storages, (N.M., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Becky Larson, Assistant Professor of Biological Systems Engineering, UW-Madison - Manure storages are useful for increasing flexibility in the application timing of manure. However, manure nutrients can stratify or be lost during this process. This presentation will cover management practices that will minimize losses and improve the precision in nutrient applications.
maximizing_nutrient_retention_from_manure_storages_larson.pdf | |
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11) Manure During Winter: How to Manage, (S&W, .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Amber Radatz, Co-Director, UW Discovery Farms - Winter in Wisconsin is the reality for several months out of the year. However, weather conditions are not uniform throughout the winter. Knowing how to manage manure through variations in early and late winter weather is critical for environmental sustainability and fertility management. There are new elements of state and federal regulations that may impact your management decisions. UW Discover Farms data has zeroed in on manure management strategies that are easy to implement that will protect water resources and production goals from harm during those frosty months.
Manure During Winter | |
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12) Wisconsin's Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast, (S&W, .5 CEU), Sara Walling, Section Chief, Nutrient Management & Water Quality, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection - Wisconsin's Department of Agriculture and the UW-Soil Science Department worked with the National Weather Service to develop a first-of-its-kind Runoff Risk Advisory Forecast (RRAF) tool which models the risk of surface runoff occurring on any given day. The RRAF serves as a decision support tool to help farmers and nutrient applicators decide if "today is a good day to spread". Come and learn about the RRAF, how it models runoff risk, and how it can help you make more informed nutrient application decisions!
wisconsins_runoff_risk_advisory_forecast_jenks.pdf | |
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13) Nitrogen Dynamics in Manured Systems, (N.M., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Kevan Klingberg, Outreach Specialist, UW Discovery Farms - UW Discovery Farms has conducted a 3-year nitrogen use efficiency project with more than 50 WI farmers. This talk summarizes nitrogen contribution from livestock manure, as managed by farmers for corn production. We will discuss nitrogen use efficiency, as well as locations and conditions within the N-cycle where nitrogen enters, leaves and changes relative to amounts desired for corn production.
nitrogen_dynamics_in_manured_systems__klingberg.pdf | |
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14) Sidedressing Emerged Corn with Liquid Manure Using a Manure Tanker, (N.M., .5 CEU), Glen Arnold, Associate Professor of Manure Nutrient Management Systems, Ohio State University - On-farm research plots were completed in Ohio using liquid swine, liquid dairy and liquid beef manure to provide sidedress nitrogen to emerged corn. A 5,250 gallon Balzer manure tanker and Dietrich toolbar were used to incorporate manure into corn at the V3 state and compared to similar amounts of sidedress nitrogen in the form of 28% Urea Ammonium Nitrate in more than 45 replicated plots over five years. Yield results were similar when comparing the corn sidedressed with manure to the corn sidedressed with commercial fertilizer. Using liquid livestock manure with growing crops can capture more of the manure nutrients and reduce the need for purchased fertilizer.
replacing_commercial_sidedress_nitrogren_with_liquid_livestock_manure_on_emerged_corn_using_a_modified_manure_tanker_arnold.pdf | |
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15) Replacing Commercial Sidedress Nitrogen with Liquid Livestock Manure on Emerged Corn Using a Drag Hose, (N.M., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Glen Arnold, Associate Professor of Manure Nutrient Management Systems, Ohio State University - A drag hose and manure incorporation toolbar was used to sidedress emerged corn with swine finishing manure at the V2 to V3 states of growth for three crop seasons in Darke County, Ohio. The corn sidedressed with manure out yielded the corn sidedressed with 28% urea ammonium nitrate by 13 bushels per acre. The manure application rate was 6,500 gallons per acre and contained the same amount of available nitrogen as the commercial fertilizer used. The use of liquid manure to sidedress corn can provide a new window of time for manure application in Ohio and apply manure when a growing crop could utilize the nutrients.
replacing_commercial_sidedress_nitrogen_with_liquid_livestock_manure_on_emerged_corn_using_a_drag_hose_system.pdf | |
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16) Slurry Seeding of Cover Crops, (S&W, .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Tim Harrigan, Associate Professor of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering, Michigan State University - Slurry seeding of cover crops.
manure_slurry_seeding_of_forage_and_cover_crops_harrigan.pdf | |
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17) Manure Safety, (P.D., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Rick Martens, Executive Director, Minnesota Custom Applicators Association - Safety is a daily routine. Identifying the importance of keeping equipment up to date with the proper shielding and lighting. How to recognize dangerous situations and proceed with caution. How to react if there has been a mishap.
think_safety_first_martens.pdf | |
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18) Public Perception, (P.D., .5 CEU), (H/B, .5), (.5), Rick Martens, Executive Director, Minnesota Custom Applicators Association - Public perception may become public policy. How we interact with our neighbors and the general public is important. We need to promote and educate how and why we apply manure. Understanding the importance of having a good working relationship with local and state agencies.
public_perception_martens.pdf | |
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19) Nutrient Management Planning for All Wisconsin Farms: An Overview of SnapPlus Software, (N.M., .5 CEU), Joe Wolter, Systems Programmer, UW-Madison Department of Soil Sciences - The majority of the nutrient management planning in Wisconsin form farms of all sizes and types is done with SnapPlus nutrient management planning software. Developed at the University of Wisconsin with support from state agencies and NRCS and first introduced in 2006, it is freely available. The software keeps field-by-field records of crop nutrient needs and planned and completed manure and fertilizer applications. It helps producers follow the standards and guidelines relevant to their operation when planning manure applications. It includes a web-based mapping component that allows farmers to map where on their fields they can spread manure.
nutrient_management_planning_for_all_wisconsin_farms__snapplus__sebrosky___beaudoin.pdf | |
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20) Manure Application Uniformity - Agronomic and Machinery Considerations, (N.M., .5 CEU), (H/B, .5), (.5), Dan Anderson, Assistant Professor of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University - Uniformity of liquid manure application across the tool-bar points is important to ensure proper nutrient supply for crop growth, to maintain producer confidence in nutrient availability, and for addressing water quality concerns. In this project, six commercially-available, tank mounted manifolds for liquid manure distribution were tested for coefficient of variation. Testing was performed using water and coefficients of variation were determined for applications rates ranging from 2000 to 8000 gallons per acre. Tests were performed under three different slope conditi9ns of 0,3 and 6 % to simulate cross-slope manure application. Coefficient of variation, calculated for the average application rate as measured across the tool-bar, was less than 20 percent for three of the six manifolds tested for the five application rates for all three slope settings. Results of the testing indicate that caution should be exercised to select the appropriate manifold when applying manure such that the lowest possible coefficient of variation is achieved.
verifying_liquid_manure_hydraulic_distribution_andersen.pdf | |
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21) Nutrient Separation or Improved Hauling Logistics, - Making Sense of Which Options Fits Your Operation, (N.M., .5 CEU), (H/B, .5), (.5), Dan Anderson, Assistant Professor of Agricultural & Biosystems Engineering, Iowa State University - The perspective of whether manure is a waste or resource is often based on the perception of if the cost to utilize (transport and land apply) the manure as a fertilizer is more or less expensive than purchasing commercial, mineral fertilizers. One method that has been proposed for improving the transportability of manures is to perform a treatment where nutrient enriched and nutrient depleted fractions are created. In this work, information on how different manure nutrient partitioning strategies of differing effectiveness would impact the costs of manure application was evaluated. This analysis provides information on the amount of money an operation could potentially put towards implementing the manure treatment technology as it must be equal to or less than the reduction in manure application costs to be an economically viable option.
evaluation_of_the_economic_constraints_on_nutrient_partitioning_systems_to_reduce_the_costs_of_land_application_of_manures_andersen.pdf | |
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22) Integrating Erosion and Phosphorus Runoff Assessment With Nutrient Management Planning in SnapPlus, (S&W, .5 CEU), Laura Ward Good, Assistant Scientist, UW-Madison - Wisconsin's nutrient management planning software, SnapPlus, contains field-scale models for erosion (RUSLE2) and runoff phosphorus (Wisconsin P index). Farms throughout the state routinely use the software and it provides a powerful tool for producers to examine how they can reduce sediment and phosphorus losses from their own fields. Agricultural watershed projects use it for locating fields needing conservation efforts. This software also has adaptations to support water quality trading programs.
integrating_erosion_and_phosphorus_runoff_assessment_with_nutrient_management_planning_in_snapplus_ward_good.pdf | |
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23) Secondary & Micronutrients available in Dairy Manure, (N.M., .5 CEU), Richard Halopka, Crops & Soil Agent, UW-Extension - Clark County - Manure supplies secondary and micronutrients. There is an increasing interest in knowing the approximate secondary and micronutrient content of dairy manure. From 2013-2015, the UW Extension Nutrient Management Team funded testing of 300 randomly selected dairy manure samples. The samples were tested for total amount of secondary and micronutrient content. Liquid manure samples were characterized as having a dry matter (DM) content less than or equal to 11%. Samples with more that 11% DM were considered solid manure. Of the 300 manure samples, 195 were liquid and 105 were solid. this presentation will cover the results of the three year survey and the value of the secondary and micronutrients that are applied in a normal manure application. The result is the probability of farmers not required to purchase secondary or micronutrients with normal dairy manure application.
value_of_secondary___micronutrients_in_dairy_manure_halopka.pdf | |
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24) Evaluating the Environmental Benefits and Economic Opportunities of Windrow Composting Solid Dairy Manure, (N.M., .5 CEU), (N.M., .5, H/B, .5), (.5), Andrew Skwor, PE, CPESC-Agricultural Services Team Leader, MSA Professional Services, Inc. - Evaluating the environmental benefits and economic opportunities of windrow composting solid dairy manure.
composting_and_the_value-added_skwor.pdf | |
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Tour #1: Statz Brothers, Sun Prairie (N.M., 2, H/B, 2), (2)
Tour #2: Arlington Ag Research Station (N.M., 2, H/B, 2), (2)
Tour #3: Endres Composting (N.M., 2, H/B, 2), (2)
8/23/17 - 1:00 -4:30pm: Field Demonstrations (N.M., 2, H/N, 2), (2.5)
Tour #2: Arlington Ag Research Station (N.M., 2, H/B, 2), (2)
Tour #3: Endres Composting (N.M., 2, H/B, 2), (2)
8/23/17 - 1:00 -4:30pm: Field Demonstrations (N.M., 2, H/N, 2), (2.5)