Wednesday, July 31, 2019
8:00am to 8:30am CST (9:00 to 9:30am EST): Tour and workshop registration
8:45am to Noon: Farm Tours (paid, pre-registration required, transportation & lunch included)
Tour #1 : Dairy
The first stop of the Dairy Tour will be at Windy Ridge Dairy, operated by the Bos family. We will tour their manure handling facilities and their new up-to-date aerobic digester. They capture the gas from the digester to run the trucks that haul milk from the farm to processing plants.
Midwestern BioAg is the next stop on the Dairy Tour. In partnership with Prairie’s Edge Dairy, Midwestern BioAg is manufacturing an innovative line of TerraNu® fertilizers. TerraNu® fertilizers deliver NPK, secondary nutrients and micronutrients as a granulated product that can be efficiently stored, transported and applied. TerraNu® products offer precision application: each granule has the same guaranteed analysis, allowing for even in-field distribution. TerraNu® stimulates soil biology by delivering carbon and essential nutrients to the crop, leading to improved nutrient uptake and the potential for increased yield performance.
Tour #2 : Beef and Poultry
The first stop will be at the Rose Acres White County facility. Their manure is produced from layer chickens that are fed a mineral package that is sourced from several different locations and grain from local farmers. The chickens are housed in two different style houses; high rise and double decker houses. In the high rise houses the chickens are housed in the above and the manure is stored below. This manure is cleaned out of the house every year with skid steers. With the double decker houses the manure is belted out every other day. All manure is then either hauled to farmers fields or our storage buildings, depending on the time of the year.
The second stop will be at Bio Town Ag., a multigenerational family agribusiness with a true 21st century approach to farming. A row-crop production component of the yields corn and soybeans that feed the farm’s livestock. In addition to its 800-sow pork production facility, the farm is anchored by a 4,500-head natural beef cattle feed operation. The farm receives organic waste by-products from Midwest companies. The Corporate by-product material is merged with manure from the livestock facilities to fuel a 7.2 million gallon anaerobic digester. Methane from the digester powers 6 generators that put electricity on the grid, while other equipment separates the liquids and solids to produce fertilizer for the row crops.
They operate a proprietary, 100% sustainable closed-loop model that completely returns to the earth everything they’re blessed to take from it. Absolutely nothing goes into a waste stream.
Tour #3 : Swine Workshop: 9:00am to Noon
Location: Farmhouse Classroom, Fair Oaks Farms
For biosecurity reasons we have decided to have a Swine manure workshop instead of a tour this year.
The work shop will begin with a presentation from Buiter Farm. They work with Belstra Group Farms and Fastrack Fertilizer. Belstra Group Farms have several farms in the area. We will discuss the wash bay at Buiter Farms where they clean out the Belstra Group swine transport trailers after moving pigs to and from their different farms.
Fastrack Fertilizer is a company that works closely with the Belstra Group Farms and several of the local Dairies to manage their manure. The wash bays at the Buiter farm are also used by Fastrack Fertilizer to clean out their equipment. They have one wash bay dedicated to washing out the tankers and equipment from farms where sand based bedding has been used. The sand settles in the Tankers and Frack tanks and needs cleaned out periodically. They have system to rinse out the sand and then separate some of it drains into a holding lagoon.
The second farm to present will be Klemp Farm’s. The Klemps farm around 4200 acres including 400 acres of Certified Organic and 1300 Acres that is in Transition to Organic. They also have a swine finishing barn where they finish contracted pigs for a local coop. Klemp Brothers Ag Services run a manure application business. They use the manure from their swine barn and they contract manure from one of the local dairies. This year they trying some poultry manure from a local egg farm.
They are currently set up with 1 Terragator to knife in the manure and 1 dragline with a frack tank . They can pump the manure up to one mile from the tank. They have 5 semis to haul to the terragator or the frack tank.
Noon: Manure Expo Grounds and Tradeshow Opens
1:00 to 4:00pm: Agitation Demo
4:00 to 6:00pm: Industry Presentations
7:00pm: Grounds close
8:45am to Noon: Farm Tours (paid, pre-registration required, transportation & lunch included)
Tour #1 : Dairy
The first stop of the Dairy Tour will be at Windy Ridge Dairy, operated by the Bos family. We will tour their manure handling facilities and their new up-to-date aerobic digester. They capture the gas from the digester to run the trucks that haul milk from the farm to processing plants.
Midwestern BioAg is the next stop on the Dairy Tour. In partnership with Prairie’s Edge Dairy, Midwestern BioAg is manufacturing an innovative line of TerraNu® fertilizers. TerraNu® fertilizers deliver NPK, secondary nutrients and micronutrients as a granulated product that can be efficiently stored, transported and applied. TerraNu® products offer precision application: each granule has the same guaranteed analysis, allowing for even in-field distribution. TerraNu® stimulates soil biology by delivering carbon and essential nutrients to the crop, leading to improved nutrient uptake and the potential for increased yield performance.
Tour #2 : Beef and Poultry
The first stop will be at the Rose Acres White County facility. Their manure is produced from layer chickens that are fed a mineral package that is sourced from several different locations and grain from local farmers. The chickens are housed in two different style houses; high rise and double decker houses. In the high rise houses the chickens are housed in the above and the manure is stored below. This manure is cleaned out of the house every year with skid steers. With the double decker houses the manure is belted out every other day. All manure is then either hauled to farmers fields or our storage buildings, depending on the time of the year.
The second stop will be at Bio Town Ag., a multigenerational family agribusiness with a true 21st century approach to farming. A row-crop production component of the yields corn and soybeans that feed the farm’s livestock. In addition to its 800-sow pork production facility, the farm is anchored by a 4,500-head natural beef cattle feed operation. The farm receives organic waste by-products from Midwest companies. The Corporate by-product material is merged with manure from the livestock facilities to fuel a 7.2 million gallon anaerobic digester. Methane from the digester powers 6 generators that put electricity on the grid, while other equipment separates the liquids and solids to produce fertilizer for the row crops.
They operate a proprietary, 100% sustainable closed-loop model that completely returns to the earth everything they’re blessed to take from it. Absolutely nothing goes into a waste stream.
Tour #3 : Swine Workshop: 9:00am to Noon
Location: Farmhouse Classroom, Fair Oaks Farms
For biosecurity reasons we have decided to have a Swine manure workshop instead of a tour this year.
The work shop will begin with a presentation from Buiter Farm. They work with Belstra Group Farms and Fastrack Fertilizer. Belstra Group Farms have several farms in the area. We will discuss the wash bay at Buiter Farms where they clean out the Belstra Group swine transport trailers after moving pigs to and from their different farms.
Fastrack Fertilizer is a company that works closely with the Belstra Group Farms and several of the local Dairies to manage their manure. The wash bays at the Buiter farm are also used by Fastrack Fertilizer to clean out their equipment. They have one wash bay dedicated to washing out the tankers and equipment from farms where sand based bedding has been used. The sand settles in the Tankers and Frack tanks and needs cleaned out periodically. They have system to rinse out the sand and then separate some of it drains into a holding lagoon.
The second farm to present will be Klemp Farm’s. The Klemps farm around 4200 acres including 400 acres of Certified Organic and 1300 Acres that is in Transition to Organic. They also have a swine finishing barn where they finish contracted pigs for a local coop. Klemp Brothers Ag Services run a manure application business. They use the manure from their swine barn and they contract manure from one of the local dairies. This year they trying some poultry manure from a local egg farm.
They are currently set up with 1 Terragator to knife in the manure and 1 dragline with a frack tank . They can pump the manure up to one mile from the tank. They have 5 semis to haul to the terragator or the frack tank.
Noon: Manure Expo Grounds and Tradeshow Opens
1:00 to 4:00pm: Agitation Demo
4:00 to 6:00pm: Industry Presentations
7:00pm: Grounds close
7:30am CST (8:30 EST): Manure Expo and Tradeshow Opens
8:00 to 10:00am: Educational Seminars
11:00am to Noon: Field Demos
– Liquid Manure Applications
1:00 to 2:00pm: Educational Seminars | Certification credit offered: Indiana – Cat 14, Minnesota – CAWT
3:00 to 4:30pm: Field Demos
– Solid Manure Applications & Compost demonstrations
5:00pm: Grounds close
8:00 to 10:00am: Educational Seminars
11:00am to Noon: Field Demos
– Liquid Manure Applications
1:00 to 2:00pm: Educational Seminars | Certification credit offered: Indiana – Cat 14, Minnesota – CAWT
3:00 to 4:30pm: Field Demos
– Solid Manure Applications & Compost demonstrations
5:00pm: Grounds close