2023 WisconsinArlington, Wisconsin
August 9-10 Educational PresentationsTesting Manure: Variability and Trends Over time
ROle of Manure application and cover crop practice in improving soil health and crop yieldManobendro Sarker, University of Missouri
This research aims to evaluate the impacts of land application of manure and cover crops on soil health improvement and crop productivity. A total of 8,490 soil samples were collected from 2016 to 2019 through a state-wide cover crop cost-share program in Missouri, USA. A field experiment was also carried out at a university research farm to investigate the productivity of corn/soybean/wheat in a more consistent research setup. According to the average four-year value, manure application and cover crop practice greatly influenced soil nitrogen, phosphorus, and active carbon. Manure application also exhibited significant improvement in soil organic carbon. On the other hand, an extended period of cover crop practice (at least 5 yr) positively impacts the water-stable aggregate property of soil. However, overall improvement in soil physical properties was not promising, and reasonable facts could be different soil texture, tillage pattern, and lack of consistent management practices. Regarding the crop yield from the research farm, the chemical fertilizer application significantly (p-value = 0.02) increased the corn yield compared with the manure application. The effects of manure application were significant (p-value = 0.04) for soybean yield. The wheat yield was 5.47% higher for manure application but not statistically significant. More soil samples across the state are being collected, and the field experiment is being continued for further assessment. |
role_of_manure_application_and_cover_crop_practice_in_improving_soil_health_and_crop_yield_sarker_duong_brandt_reinbott_morgan_raymond_and_lim_-_manobendro_sarker.pdf | |
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Manure and Soil Health
Matt Ruark, Professor and Extension Soil Scientist, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Presentation on how manure affects soil health in Wisconsin.
Presentation on how manure affects soil health in Wisconsin.
manure_and_soil_health_ruark_-_matthew_ruark.pdf | |
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Effective composting training for biosecurity outreach
Rana Das, PhD student, University of Missouri-Columbia
Effective communication and stakeholder engagement are important in advancing biosecurity measures within animal production facility. This presentation is focused on refining on-farm biosecurity practices, with a primary focus on emergency and regular mortality carcass management. The approach involved conducting interactive workshops that demonstrated the extent of composting, especially in the context of managing foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreaks and mortality incidents.
Effective communication and stakeholder engagement are important in advancing biosecurity measures within animal production facility. This presentation is focused on refining on-farm biosecurity practices, with a primary focus on emergency and regular mortality carcass management. The approach involved conducting interactive workshops that demonstrated the extent of composting, especially in the context of managing foreign animal disease (FAD) outbreaks and mortality incidents.
effective_composting_training_for_biosecurity_outreach___das_lim_pittenger_seekins_hutchinson_flory_-_rana_das.pdf | |
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Ammonia Emissions INventory of Different Management PRactices and dairy farm settings
Caleb Besson, Research Assistant and M.S. Student, University of Wisconsin-Madison
A poster about ammonia emissions resulting from 13 simulated dairy farms of three types (conventional, organic, grazing). Average characteristics of different sized dairy farms are defined in a table and have been collected from other studies. In addition to simulating baseline emissions, management practices were evaluated to mitigate ammonia emissions. The most beneficial practice across all farms was a combination of solid-liquid separation and injection, as most emissions resulted from storage and application of manure. A qr code to three factsheets on this research is included in the poster.
A poster about ammonia emissions resulting from 13 simulated dairy farms of three types (conventional, organic, grazing). Average characteristics of different sized dairy farms are defined in a table and have been collected from other studies. In addition to simulating baseline emissions, management practices were evaluated to mitigate ammonia emissions. The most beneficial practice across all farms was a combination of solid-liquid separation and injection, as most emissions resulted from storage and application of manure. A qr code to three factsheets on this research is included in the poster.
ammonia_emissions_inventory_of_different_management_practices_and_dairy_farm_settings_aguirre-villegas_besson_larson_-_caleb_besson__1_.pdf | |
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Nitrification inhibitors and manure
Melissa Wilson, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
Use of nitrification inhibitors with liquid manure
Use of nitrification inhibitors with liquid manure
nitrificationinhibitorsandmanure_wilson_10aug2023_-_melissa_wilson.pdf | |
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Applying fall manure for hybrid rye
Melissa Wilson, Associate Professor, University of Minnesota
Applying three different manure types at four different rates to hybrid rye.
Applying three different manure types at four different rates to hybrid rye.
applyingfallmanureforhybridrye_wilson_10aug2023smaller_-_melissa_wilson.pdf | |
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